How to improve Productivity and Performance in 5 Easy Steps!
1) Get at least 7 hours sleep! Mrs Thatcher famously only needed 4 hours sleep but she power-napped during the day to make up the time her brain needed to recuperate and rejuvenate. If you do not get enough sleep you cannot function at the highest level.
2) Spend at least 20-60 minutes every day in meditation/trance/prayer mode, with your brain waves down to theta level. At this level, stress hormone release is significantly reduced. When you go back up to beta, you then have control of your subconscious mind and can act consciously instead of automatically.
3) Take at least 30 minutes exercise during the day. Go for a walk or cycle ride. People who walk or cycle have trimmer waistlines than people who don't! And their blood sugar levels are more likely to be normal.
4) Think positive thoughts. People who turn everything to the positive are much less stressed than people who just accept the situation for what it is or see it as a positive.
5) Eat more vegetables and plant-based protein than animal protein and refined foods to improve your energy levels and protect your future health.